Hwy 75 - Pipestone Complete Streets Assessment Evaluación completa de calles de la Hwy 75 en Pipestone

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MnDOT is conducting a Complete Streets assessment of Highway 75 between County Road 57 and Hwy 30 in Pipestone. We'll identify and document possible improvements to the highway that would be beneficial to all roadway users, including people who walk, bike or roll. We'll evaluate existing conditions, engage with the community and stakeholders to identify roadway users’ needs, prepare sketches, and design options for the roadway to help create a shared vision for the corridor.

MnDOT está realizando una evaluación de calles completas de la Hwy 75 entre County Road 57 y Hwy 30 en Pipestone. Identificaremos y documentaremos posibles mejoras a la carretera que serían beneficiosas para todos los usuarios de la carretera, incluidas las personas que caminan, andan en bicicleta o van en sillas de ruedas.

Study goals

  • Evaluate existing conditions (traffic volumes, travel speeds, intersections, crashes, safety, etc.).
  • Develop potential roadway design options for the corridor considering stakeholder input and roadway operations.
  • Develop sketches of roadway design options to communicate with residents and property owners.
  • Facilitate discussion between local partners, stakeholders, and the public.
  • Provide recommendations to improve safety and mobility for all roadway users, including people who walk, bike, or roll.
  • Plan and develop preliminary roadway design of Hwy 75 for all users that addresses Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) needs.

El estudio

  • Evaluará las condiciones existentes en la Hwy 75
  • Incluirá a la comunidad y las partes interesadas para comprender las necesidades
  • Diseñará opciones para mejoras viales
  • Ayudará a crear una visión compartida para el corredor

Get involved

MnDOT is conducting a Complete Streets assessment of Highway 75 between County Road 57 and Hwy 30 in Pipestone. We'll identify and document possible improvements to the highway that would be beneficial to all roadway users, including people who walk, bike or roll. We'll evaluate existing conditions, engage with the community and stakeholders to identify roadway users’ needs, prepare sketches, and design options for the roadway to help create a shared vision for the corridor.

MnDOT está realizando una evaluación de calles completas de la Hwy 75 entre County Road 57 y Hwy 30 en Pipestone. Identificaremos y documentaremos posibles mejoras a la carretera que serían beneficiosas para todos los usuarios de la carretera, incluidas las personas que caminan, andan en bicicleta o van en sillas de ruedas.

Study goals

  • Evaluate existing conditions (traffic volumes, travel speeds, intersections, crashes, safety, etc.).
  • Develop potential roadway design options for the corridor considering stakeholder input and roadway operations.
  • Develop sketches of roadway design options to communicate with residents and property owners.
  • Facilitate discussion between local partners, stakeholders, and the public.
  • Provide recommendations to improve safety and mobility for all roadway users, including people who walk, bike, or roll.
  • Plan and develop preliminary roadway design of Hwy 75 for all users that addresses Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) needs.

El estudio

  • Evaluará las condiciones existentes en la Hwy 75
  • Incluirá a la comunidad y las partes interesadas para comprender las necesidades
  • Diseñará opciones para mejoras viales
  • Ayudará a crear una visión compartida para el corredor

Get involved

  • August 2024 Public Engagement Update

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    supporting image

    The Hwy 75 Pipestone Complete Streets Assessment conducted the first phase of community engagement from June through August 2024, including:

    • A public meeting Tuesday, July 16, 2024 (2:00-6:00 p.m.) at the Pipestone County Emergency Services Building.
    • Visited businesses along the corridor and engaged with local stakeholders.
    • Gathered community feedback via an online comment map.

    Here’s a summary of the feedback we’ve received, highlighting key concerns from local roadway users:

    • Corridor function: There is a strong interest in addressing pavement conditions, improving access to local businesses, and possibly lowering speed limits.
    • Right-of-Way (ROW): The community has emphasized the need to minimize impacts on property owners, highlighting the importance of considering everyone’s property when planning changes.
    • Safety: Improving safety at intersections, such as adding turn lanes, is a top priority.
    • Multimodal comfort: Enhancing safety and comfort for people who walk, bike or roll is important. There can be a focus on better walking and biking connections.

    MnDOT will look to conduct a second phase of engagement in the fall and winter of 2024. Your feedback is vital as we work on developing a plan that addresses these important issues.

  • News Feed

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    MnDOT hosted a a public meeting for the Hwy 75 Complete Streets Assessment on July 16. Details are as follows:

    Date: Tuesday, July 16
    Time: 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
    Location: Pipestone County Emergency Services Building 811 5th Street SE, Pipestone MN, 56164

    There was no formal presentation, attendees were welcome to visit at any time during the scheduled timeframe to view displays, ask questions, and provide feedback. You can view the informational materials presented at the meeting under the "July 16, 2024 Public Meeting Materials" section of the webpage.

Page last updated: 29 Aug 2024, 07:19 AM