August 2024 Public Engagement Update

The Hwy 75 Pipestone Complete Streets Assessment conducted the first phase of community engagement from June through August 2024, including:

  • A public meeting Tuesday, July 16, 2024 (2:00-6:00 p.m.) at the Pipestone County Emergency Services Building.
  • Visited businesses along the corridor and engaged with local stakeholders.
  • Gathered community feedback via an online comment map.

Here’s a summary of the feedback we’ve received, highlighting key concerns from local roadway users:

  • Corridor function: There is a strong interest in addressing pavement conditions, improving access to local businesses, and possibly lowering speed limits.
  • Right-of-Way (ROW): The community has emphasized the need to minimize impacts on property owners, highlighting the importance of considering everyone’s property when planning changes.
  • Safety: Improving safety at intersections, such as adding turn lanes, is a top priority.
  • Multimodal comfort: Enhancing safety and comfort for people who walk, bike or roll is important. There can be a focus on better walking and biking connections.

MnDOT will look to conduct a second phase of engagement in the fall and winter of 2024. Your feedback is vital as we work on developing a plan that addresses these important issues.

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