News Feed

07 Feb 2025

In 2024, MnDOT conducted a Complete Streets Assessment of Highway 75 between County Road 57 and Hwy 30 in Pipestone. The study evaluated existing conditions and developed a series of potential roadway design alternatives for the corridor considering stakeholder input and roadway operations.

After evaluating potential alternatives, MnDOT conducted a second phase of engagement with key audiences to gather feedback on potential design recommendations from corridor businesses, stakeholders, and roadway users. The second phase of engagement focused on meeting residents where they live and work for a brief conversation about the Hwy 75 corridor. Engagement included door knocking, meeting with stakeholders, canvassing downtown businesses and hosting a pop-up event at Pipestone Estates Mobile Home Park with free pizza and refreshments for residents. All engagement was conducted in with English and Spanish meeting materials and dual language services for in-person conversations.

An executive summary with recommended improvements and more information about the Hwy 75 Complete Streets Assessment is available to review.

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