Final Study Report available
Share Final Study Report available on Facebook Share Final Study Report available on Twitter Share Final Study Report available on Linkedin Email Final Study Report available linkThe Final Study Report is available on the project website.
We want to thank everyone who provided feedback at public meetings, online, or at an area event over the past few years. The recommended concepts will be carried forward into a future phase once funding is identified.
Thank you for your time and participation in this process.
PEL Study Report
Share PEL Study Report on Facebook Share PEL Study Report on Twitter Share PEL Study Report on Linkedin Email PEL Study Report linkThe Study Report is now ready for your review. The report and appendices are the work of more than two years of community engagement and technical analysis. Thank you for your time and participation in this process.
What’s Next?
This study is complete. MnDOT and agency project partners will work to identify and secure funding for future steps. The recommended concepts will be carried forward into the future steps.
Draft Final Study Report
Share Draft Final Study Report on Facebook Share Draft Final Study Report on Twitter Share Draft Final Study Report on Linkedin Email Draft Final Study Report linkThe draft Final Study Report is now ready for your review. The report and appendices are the results of more than two years of community engagement and technical analysis. Share feedback on the report using the Study Survey. The survey is open until June 7, 2024.
The draft document is also available at the Zumbrota Public Library, Cannon Falls Public Library, and Van Horn Public Library.
What’s Next?
We will include your feedback in the final study document. This will complete this study. Recommended concepts will be carried forward for future study in a NEPA process. The intention is to adopt this PEL or incorporate it by reference into one or more NEPA documents in the next 5 years.
Thank you for your time and participation in this process.
Public meeting: May 1, 2024
Share Public meeting: May 1, 2024 on Facebook Share Public meeting: May 1, 2024 on Twitter Share Public meeting: May 1, 2024 on Linkedin Email Public meeting: May 1, 2024 linkThe public is invited to attend a public meeting for the Highway 52 Hader to Zumbrota Study. There will be a presentation at 6 p.m. Attendees will learn the results of the analysis, concepts recommended for future study and hear about next steps.
Date: Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Time: 5:30-7:30 p.m. *presentation at 6 p.m.*
Location: Zumbrota VFW, 25 E 1st St., Zumbrota
People unable to attend the meeting can review the information and submit feedback.
MnDOT invites and encourages participation by all. If you need an ASL, foreign language interpreter, or other reasonable accommodation, or need documents in an alternative format (such as braille or large print), please email your request to Janet Miller at ADArequest.dot@state.mn.us or call 651-366-4720.
May 2024 public meeting materials
Share May 2024 public meeting materials on Facebook Share May 2024 public meeting materials on Twitter Share May 2024 public meeting materials on Linkedin Email May 2024 public meeting materials linkCommunity members shared their experiences on Highway 52 over the past year.\
The project team has finished analyzing the potential concepts and will share which concepts are recommended for future consideration.
Share feedback on the recommendations on the Study Recommendations Survey.
Note: The concepts were called alternatives in previous phases.
Carried forward
No Build:
The No Build concept represents a maintenance only approach. It is used to evaluate potential improvements that a concept would provide.
View full-sized image
Concept 4:
- Full access interchange at 165th Ave.
- Access closures and new frontage roads
- New frontage road along southbound Hwy 52 with new river bridge
- 165th Ave. would become Co. Rd. 7 from Hwy 52 north to 400th St. then west to existing Co. Rd. 7
- Existing Co. Rd. 7 would turn back to township
Primary Needs Evaluation
Evaluation Approach
Evaluation Results
Evaluation Scoring
Performance Measure
No Build: Baseline - maintain existing condition
Concept 4: Overpass at new CR 7 & Interchange at 165th
Poor =
Fair =
Good =
Vehicle Safety
Corridor/ network and intersection crashes
Expected crashes & Expected Severe Crashes (Crash Modification Factors)
No anticipated crash reduction
Anticipated crash reduction of 0 to 50%
Anticipated crash reduction of greater than 50%
Vehicle Mobility
Connectivity - Crossing US 52 on the local road network
Travel time to cross US 52
Travel times vs. No Build:
Significant increase
(> 15% increase)Travel times vs. No Build: Similar or slight increase (5% reduction to a 15% increase)
Travel times vs. No Build: Reduced
(> 5% reduction)Gap Acceptance
Side-street delay for all turning vehicles
Intersections that have side-street delay that exceeds Level of Service E: 25% or More
Intersections that have side-street delay that exceeds Level of Service E: Less than 25%
Intersections that have side-street delay that exceeds Level of Service E: None
Geometric limitations for slow-moving large vehicles on US 52
Ability to accommodate slow-moving and large vehicles and divert them to local road/off of US 52 (i.e., agricultural equipment, school buses, and freight/semi-trucks)
Feasible accommodations provided by concept: None
Feasible accommodations provided by concept: Some
Feasible accommodations provided by concept: A majority
Note: Concept figures are preliminary and subject to change. Concept figures represent one potential option of many that could be implemented in the future. No detailed design or analysis has been completed at this stage.
Concept 5:
Full access interchange at Co. Rd. 7
- Right-in/right-out at 165th Ave.
- Access closures and new frontage roads
View full-sized image
Primary Needs Evaluation
Evaluation Approach
Evaluation Results
Evaluation Scoring
Performance Measure
No Build: Baseline - maintain existing condition
Concept 5: J-Turns at CR 7 and 165th
Poor =
Fair =
Good =
Vehicle Safety
Corridor/ network and intersection crashes
Expected crashes & Expected Severe Crashes (Crash Modification Factors)
No anticipated crash reduction
Anticipated crash reduction of 0 to 50%
Anticipated crash reduction of greater than 50%
Vehicle Mobility
Connectivity - Crossing US 52 on the local road network
Travel time to cross US 52
Travel times vs. No Build:
Significant increase
(> 15% increase)Travel times vs. No Build: Similar or slight increase (5% reduction to a 15% increase)
Travel times vs. No Build: Reduced
(> 5% reduction)Gap Acceptance
Side-street delay for all turning vehicles
Intersections that have side-street delay that exceeds Level of Service E: 25% or More
Intersections that have side-street delay that exceeds Level of Service E: Less than 25%
Intersections that have side-street delay that exceeds Level of Service E: None
Geometric limitations for slow-moving large vehicles on US 52
Ability to accommodate slow-moving and large vehicles and divert them to local road/off of US 52 (i.e., agricultural equipment, school buses, and freight/semi-trucks)
Feasible accommodations provided by concept: None
Feasible accommodations provided by concept: Some
Feasible accommodations provided by concept: A majority
Note: Concept figures are preliminary and subject to change. Concept figures represent one potential option of many that could be implemented in the future. No detailed design or analysis has been completed at this stage.
Concept 7:
Full access interchange at 165th Ave.
- Overpass to north of Co. Rd. 7
- New Co. Rd. 7 from north of 420th St. to Hwy 52
- New township road from Hwy 52 to Sherwood Trl.
- Access closures and new frontage roads
- Existing Co. Rd. 7 turn back to township
Primary Needs Evaluation
Evaluation Approach
Evaluation Results
Evaluation Scoring
Performance Measure
No Build: Baseline - maintain existing condition
Concept 7: Interchange at CR 7
Poor =
Fair =
Good =
Vehicle Safety
Corridor/ network and intersection crashes
Expected crashes & Expected Severe Crashes (Crash Modification Factors)
No anticipated crash reduction
Anticipated crash reduction of 0 to 50%
Anticipated crash reduction of greater than 50%
Vehicle Mobility
Connectivity - Crossing US 52 on the local road network
Travel time to cross US 52
Travel times vs. No Build:
Significant increase
(> 15% increase)Travel times vs. No Build: Similar or slight increase (5% reduction to a 15% increase)
Travel times vs. No Build: Reduced
(> 5% reduction)Gap Acceptance
Side-street delay for all turning vehicles
Intersections that have side-street delay that exceeds Level of Service E: 25% or More
Intersections that have side-street delay that exceeds Level of Service E: Less than 25%
Intersections that have side-street delay that exceeds Level of Service E: None
Geometric limitations for slow-moving large vehicles on US 52
Ability to accommodate slow-moving and large vehicles and divert them to local road/off of US 52 (i.e., agricultural equipment, school buses, and freight/semi-trucks)
Feasible accommodations provided by concept: None
Feasible accommodations provided by concept: Some
Feasible accommodations provided by concept: A majority
Note: Concept figures are preliminary and subject to change. Concept figures represent one potential option of many that could be implemented in the future. No detailed design or analysis has been completed at this stage.
Local road:
Various improvements to area local roads.
Local Roads Potential Projects
Planning-level cost
Project Timeline
Closure of driveways 1 & 2 and associated frontage road
Closure of driveway 3 and associated frontage road
Closure of driveways 5, 7 & 9, plus associated frontage road lay that exceeds Level of Service E
Closure of driveways 4, 6 & 8, plus associated frontage road feasible accommodations
Closure of driveways 13 & 14, plus associated frontage road
445th Street (access point 15) closure
445th Street Overpass (over US 52)
145th Ave Extension (over the North Fork Zumbro River)
440th St Extension (over the North Fork Zumbro River)
Concept 1:
- J-turn at Co. Rd. 7
- J-turn at 165th Ave.
Primary Needs Evaluation
Evaluation Approach
Evaluation Results
Evaluation Scoring
Performance Measure
No Build: Baseline - maintain existing condition
Concept 1: J-Turns at CR 7 and 165th
Poor =
Fair =
Good =
Vehicle Safety
Corridor/ network and intersection crashes
Expected crashes & Expected Severe Crashes (Crash Modification Factors)
No anticipated crash reduction
Anticipated crash reduction of 0 to 50%
Anticipated crash reduction of greater than 50%
Vehicle Mobility
Connectivity - Crossing US 52 on the local road network
Travel time to cross US 52
Travel times vs. No Build:
Significant increase
(> 15% increase)Travel times vs. No Build: Similar or slight increase (5% reduction to a 15% increase)
Travel times vs. No Build: Reduced
(> 5% reduction)Gap Acceptance
Side-street delay for all turning vehicles
Intersections that have side-street delay that exceeds Level of Service E: 25% or More
Intersections that have side-street delay that exceeds Level of Service E: Less than 25%
Intersections that have side-street delay that exceeds Level of Service E: None
Geometric limitations for slow-moving large vehicles on US 52
Ability to accommodate slow-moving and large vehicles and divert them to local road/off of US 52 (i.e., agricultural equipment, school buses, and freight/semi-trucks)
Feasible accommodations provided by concept: None
Feasible accommodations provided by concept: Some
Feasible accommodations provided by concept: A majority
Concept 2:
- J-turn at 165th Ave.
- J-turn at Co. Rd. 7
- 165th Ave. would become Co. Rd. 7 from Hwy 52 north to 400th St. then west to existing Co. Rd. 7
- Existing Co. Rd. 7 would turn back to township
Primary Needs Evaluation
Evaluation Approach
Evaluation Results
Evaluation Scoring
Performance Measure
No Build: Baseline - maintain existing condition
Concept 2: High T at CR 7 and 165th
Poor =
Fair =
Good =
Vehicle Safety
Corridor/ network and intersection crashes
Expected crashes & Expected Severe Crashes (Crash Modification Factors)
No anticipated crash reduction
Anticipated crash reduction of 0 to 50%
Anticipated crash reduction of greater than 50%
Vehicle Mobility
Connectivity - Crossing US 52 on the local road network
Travel time to cross US 52
Travel times vs. No Build:
Significant increase
(> 15% increase)Travel times vs. No Build: Similar or slight increase (5% reduction to a 15% increase)
Travel times vs. No Build: Reduced
(> 5% reduction)Gap Acceptance
Side-street delay for all turning vehicles
Intersections that have side-street delay that exceeds Level of Service E: 25% or More
Intersections that have side-street delay that exceeds Level of Service E: Less than 25%
Intersections that have side-street delay that exceeds Level of Service E: None
Geometric limitations for slow-moving large vehicles on US 52
Ability to accommodate slow-moving and large vehicles and divert them to local road/off of US 52 (i.e., agricultural equipment, school buses, and freight/semi-trucks)
Feasible accommodations provided by concept: None
Feasible accommodations provided by concept: Some
Feasible accommodations provided by concept: A majority
Concept 3:
- High-T intersection at Co. Rd. 7
- High-T intersection at 165th Ave.
- Access closures and new frontage roads
Primary Needs Evaluation
Evaluation Approach
Evaluation Results
Evaluation Scoring
Performance Measure
No Build: Baseline - maintain existing condition
Concept 3: Interchange at CR 7
Poor =
Fair =
Good =
Vehicle Safety
Corridor/ network and intersection crashes
Expected crashes & Expected Severe Crashes (Crash Modification Factors)
No anticipated crash reduction
Anticipated crash reduction of 0 to 50%
Anticipated crash reduction of greater than 50%
Vehicle Mobility
Connectivity - Crossing US 52 on the local road network
Travel time to cross US 52
Travel times vs. No Build:
Significant increase
(> 15% increase)Travel times vs. No Build: Similar or slight increase (5% reduction to a 15% increase)
Travel times vs. No Build: Reduced
(> 5% reduction)Gap Acceptance
Side-street delay for all turning vehicles
Intersections that have side-street delay that exceeds Level of Service E: 25% or More
Intersections that have side-street delay that exceeds Level of Service E: Less than 25%
Intersections that have side-street delay that exceeds Level of Service E: None
Geometric limitations for slow-moving large vehicles on US 52
Ability to accommodate slow-moving and large vehicles and divert them to local road/off of US 52 (i.e., agricultural equipment, school buses, and freight/semi-trucks)
Feasible accommodations provided by concept: None
Feasible accommodations provided by concept: Some
Feasible accommodations provided by concept: A majority
Concept 6:
- Full access interchange to north of existing Co. Rd. 7
- New Co. Rd. 7 from north of 420th St. to Hwy 52 new full access interchange
- New township road south of interchange to Sherwood Trl.
- J-turn at 165th Ave.
- Access closures and new frontage roads
- Existing Co. Rd. 7 turn back to township
View full-sized image
Primary Needs Evaluation
Evaluation Approach
Evaluation Results
Evaluation Scoring
Performance Measure
No Build: Baseline - maintain existing condition
Concept 6: High T at CR 7 and 165th
Poor =
Fair =
Good =
Vehicle Safety
Corridor/ network and intersection crashes
Expected crashes & Expected Severe Crashes (Crash Modification Factors)
No anticipated crash reduction
Anticipated crash reduction of 0 to 50%
Anticipated crash reduction of greater than 50%
Vehicle Mobility
Connectivity - Crossing US 52 on the local road network
Travel time to cross US 52
Travel times vs. No Build:
Significant increase
(> 15% increase)Travel times vs. No Build: Similar or slight increase (5% reduction to a 15% increase)
Travel times vs. No Build: Reduced
(> 5% reduction)Gap Acceptance
Side-street delay for all turning vehicles
Intersections that have side-street delay that exceeds Level of Service E: 25% or More
Intersections that have side-street delay that exceeds Level of Service E: Less than 25%
Intersections that have side-street delay that exceeds Level of Service E: None
Geometric limitations for slow-moving large vehicles on US 52
Ability to accommodate slow-moving and large vehicles and divert them to local road/off of US 52 (i.e., agricultural equipment, school buses, and freight/semi-trucks)
Feasible accommodations provided by concept: None
Feasible accommodations provided by concept: Some
Feasible accommodations provided by concept: A majority
Not Recommended
Note: Not recommended at this time. A review in the future may be warranted.
Concept 8:
- J-turn at 165th Ave.
- Overpass to north of Co. Rd. 7
- New Co. Rd. 7 from north of 420th St. to Hwy 52
- New township road from Hwy 52 to Sherwood Trl.
- Access closures and new frontage roads
- Existing Co. Rd. 7 turn back to township
View full-sized image
Primary Needs Evaluation
Evaluation Approach
Evaluation Results
Evaluation Scoring
Performance Measure
No Build: Baseline - maintain existing condition
Concept 8: Overpass at new CR 7 & Interchange at 165th
Poor =
Fair =
Good =
Vehicle Safety
Corridor/ network and intersection crashes
Expected crashes & Expected Severe Crashes (Crash Modification Factors)
No anticipated crash reduction
Anticipated crash reduction of 0 to 50%
Anticipated crash reduction of greater than 50%
Vehicle Mobility
Connectivity - Crossing US 52 on the local road network
Travel time to cross US 52
Travel times vs. No Build:
Significant increase
(> 15% increase)Travel times vs. No Build: Similar or slight increase (5% reduction to a 15% increase)
Travel times vs. No Build: Reduced
(> 5% reduction)Gap Acceptance
Side-street delay for all turning vehicles
Intersections that have side-street delay that exceeds Level of Service E: 25% or More
Intersections that have side-street delay that exceeds Level of Service E: Less than 25%
Intersections that have side-street delay that exceeds Level of Service E: None
Geometric limitations for slow-moving large vehicles on US 52
Ability to accommodate slow-moving and large vehicles and divert them to local road/off of US 52 (i.e., agricultural equipment, school buses, and freight/semi-trucks)
Feasible accommodations provided by concept: None
Feasible accommodations provided by concept: Some
Feasible accommodations provided by concept: A majority
Next steps
MnDOT will work with agency partners to identify and secure funding for future steps. Once funding is secured, then the additional steps of selecting and refining a design would occur. Construction would be the final step. All this could take an additional 5-7 years after funding is secured.
Evaluation results
The team used input from the community and technical knowledge to evaluate each concept. A sample of results are with each Concept above. Additional evaluation criteria and results are in the Concept Analysis memo, starting on page 41, in the Important Documents section.
March 2024 Update
Share March 2024 Update on Facebook Share March 2024 Update on Twitter Share March 2024 Update on Linkedin Email March 2024 Update linkConcept Analysis Memo
The Concept* Analysis Memo is now ready for your review. Our team has completed the analysis of the concepts we presented last summer. We looked at how well each concept meets the needs of Hwy 52 users. We compared how well the concepts met the needs identified with the community.
The memo shares these findings. It also recommends concepts for future study. Provide your feedback on the Concept Analysis Memo using the Concept Analysis Survey.
These documents are also available at the Zumbrota Public Library, 100 W. Ave., Zumbrota.
*Note: The concepts were called alternatives in previous phases.
What’s Next?
We will include your feedback in the final study document. We will host a public meeting later this spring to present the final results. This will complete this study. Recommended concepts will be carried forward for future study.
Thank you for your time and participation in this process.
Dec. 2023 Update
Share Dec. 2023 Update on Facebook Share Dec. 2023 Update on Twitter Share Dec. 2023 Update on Linkedin Email Dec. 2023 Update linkOur team has been analyzing the alternatives presented this summer. We're using input from the community and our technical knowledge to make decisions. You can see the alternatives we're considering in our update from September 7, 2023.
Alternatives analysis
First, the eight alternatives were evaluated to assess how well each met the established Primary Needs. A “No-Build” alternative was included to compare how things are now.
Primary Needs
Vehicle Safety: We're asking if the option makes driving safer. - Vehicle Mobility: We're also checking if it helps vehicles move better on and crossing Hwy 52, especially large agricultural and freight vehicles
We then assessed how well each alternative met the established Secondary Needs.
Secondary Needs
- Pavement Condition: We're looking at if the option makes the road better.
- Systemic Safety Risk Locations: We're checking if it makes the road safer by reducing danger spots.
- Bridge and Culvert Conditions: We're looking at whether it helps bridges and culverts.
- Walkability and Bikeability: We're looking at whether it makes it easier for people to walk or bike across Hwy 52.
We also thought about whether the alternative:
- meets access management guidance,
- fits with local and state plans, programs, and projects,
- how much it costs to build,
- how it affects people during construction, and
- if it helps reduce problems like flooding.
We're still finalizing the evaluation analysis, and some options might not carry forward. Based on initial findings, here are the alternatives we're considering carrying forward and not carrying forward:
Alternatives to carry forward
- Alternative 4: Interchange at 165th Avenue
- Alternative 5: Interchange at County Road 7
- Alternative 7: Overpass at new County Road 7 and interchange at 165th Avenue
Alternatives to not carry forward
- Alternative 1: J-turns at County Road 7 and 165th Avenue
- Alternative 2: Right-in right-out at County Road 7 and J-turn at 165th Avenue
- Alternative 3: High-T intersections at County Road 7 and 165th Avenue
- Alternative 6: Interchange at new County Road 7 and J-turn at 165th Avenue
- Alternative 8: Overpass at new County Road 7 and J-turn at 165th Avenue
What’s next?
We're still analyzing alternatives and plan to present our findings to the community in Spring 2024. Keep an eye out for more info in early 2024.
This study is different from previous area projects that ended with construction. Our study purpose, a Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) study, is to help transportation decision-making by incorporating environmental and community values early in project development. The study will finish with alternatives to carry forward for future study.
Design alternative survey and feedback summary
Share Design alternative survey and feedback summary on Facebook Share Design alternative survey and feedback summary on Twitter Share Design alternative survey and feedback summary on Linkedin Email Design alternative survey and feedback summary linkDuring the summer of 2023 MnDOT collected input from the public on eight proposed design alternatives.
Feedback was gathered through two pop-up events, a public meeting, and online engagement.
- 95+ in-person event attendees
- 1,400+ website visits
- 542 social media interactions
- 70 surveys submitted
Key findings
People rated how well each alternative meets their needs. The average rating for each alternative with a description of each is shown below.
- Alternative 5 received the highest rating at both the public meeting and the online survey
- Users preferred this alternative due to it improving safety and providing a full-access interchange at County Road 7
- There were concerns about the lack of access for locals and farmers
- Alternative 3 was the second highest-rated design on the online survey
- Users who rated it highly liked the High-T design, safety improvements, and frontage road
- Users had concerns about this design being expensive, not providing enough access, and not meeting agricultural needs
- Alternative 4 was the third highest-rated design on the online survey
- Users were concerned about the lack of access, high cost, safety, and not meeting agricultural needs
- Some thought it improves safety and maintains access, and liked the full-access option
- The top two priorities identified by the public were safety, and access for locals and farmers.
Alternatives descriptions
Alternative 1
J-turn at Co. Rd. 7 and J-turn at 165th Ave.
View full-sized imageAlternative 2
J-turn at 165th Ave. and J-turn at Co. Rd. 7. 165th Ave would become Co. Rd. 7 from Hwy 52 north of 400th St. then west to existing Co. Rd. 7. Co. Rd. 7 would turn back to township.
View full-sized image
Alternative 3
High-T intersection at both Co. Rd. 7 and 165th Ave., access closures between Co. Rd. 7 and 165th Ave., and future frontage roads along both sides of Hwy 52.
View full-sized image
Alternative 4
Full access interchange at 165th Ave., access closures at and near existing Co. Rd. 7, future frontage road along southbound Hwy 52 with a new river bridge. 165th Ave. would become Co. Rd. 7 from Hwy 52 north to 400th St. then west to existing Co. Rd. 7. The existing Co. Rd. 7 would turn back to the township.
View full-sized image
Alternative 5
Full access interchange at Co. Rd. 7, right-in/right-out access at 165th Ave., and access closures between Co. Rd. 7 and 165th Ave. along with future frontage along southbound Hwy 52.
View full-sized image
Alternative 6
Full access interchange to the north of Co. Rd. 7, new Co. Rd. 7 from north of 420th St. to Hwy 52. A new township road would connect south of the interchange to Sherwood Trl. A J-turn intersection at 165th Ave. Access closures between existing Co. Rd. 7 and 165th Ave. along with existing Co. Rd. 7 from Hwy 52 to the new Co. Rd. 7 north of 420th St. would turn back to the township.
View full-sized image
Alternative 7
Full access interchange at 165th Ave., an underpass to the north of Co. Rd. 7, and a new Co. Rd. 7 from north of 420th St. to Hwy 52. A new township road would connect south of the interchange to Sherwood Trl. Access closures between existing Co. Rd. 7 and 165th Ave. along with existing Co. Rd. 7 from Hwy 52 to the new Co. Rd. 7 north of 420th St. would turn back to the township.
View full-sized image
Alternative 8
J-Turn at 165th Ave., an underpass to the north of Co. Rd. 7, and a new Co. Rd. 7 from north of 420th St. to Hwy 52. A new township road would connect south of the interchange to Sherwood Trl. Access closures between existing Co. Rd. 7 and 165th Ave. along with existing Co. Rd. 7 from Hwy 52 to the new Co. Rd. 7 north of 420th St. would turnback to the township.
The Purpose and Need document is available for review and comment.
Share The Purpose and Need document is available for review and comment. on Facebook Share The Purpose and Need document is available for review and comment. on Twitter Share The Purpose and Need document is available for review and comment. on Linkedin Email The Purpose and Need document is available for review and comment. linkThe Purpose and Need document establishes the transportation purpose and need for Hwy 52 between Hader and Zumbrota by evaluating existing and future conditions along Hwy 52 and identifying needs and potential transportation improvements that future projects may include. No funding for future projects is included in the study.
Developing a purpose and need statement is part of the Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) study process. After reviewing the Purpose and Need document please provide your feedback using the comment form.
These documents are also available at the Zumbrota Public Library, 100 W. Ave., Zumbrota.
Your continued interest in this effort is important. Thank you.
June 2023 public meeting materials
Share June 2023 public meeting materials on Facebook Share June 2023 public meeting materials on Twitter Share June 2023 public meeting materials on Linkedin Email June 2023 public meeting materials linkThe following is the information presented at the June 21, 2023 public meeting at the Zumbrota VFW.
About the study
The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) and Goodhue County are conducting a Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) study. The study will examine the Highway 52 corridor between Hader and Zumbrota.
The PEL study will help us understand how proposed transportation improvements might benefit or impact the environment, communities, and economy.
The proposed improvements aim to:
- Improve safety
- Manage access
- Improve freight movement
- Address agricultural transportation needs
- Manage congestion into the future
- Encourage economic development
This information collected as part of this study will be used to:
- Identify short and long-term needs for all travelers
- Evaluate current and future environmental conditions
- Develop criteria and evaluate alternatives
- Create an implementation plan including future projects, risks, and next steps
Note: The access points closed by the adjacent Highway 52 project will remain closed.
The study began in March 2022 and will continue into 2023.
No funding has been identified for any proposed improvements.
Existing Conditions
Traffic and Access
- The highway is managing the traffic volume well. The levels of delay or congestion are typical.
- 75% of vehicles on this section of Hwy 52 are passing through.
- Freight trucks make up 8-12.5% (2,700) daily trips.
- Several access points will be closed with the Hwy 52 Southbound Reconstruction Project.
Land Use
- Zumbrota anticipates new commercial, residential, and industrial developments.
- For new developments to the west, Hwy 52 will be a barrier into central Zumbrota.
Infrastructure Condition
- There are no concerns over the condition of existing bridges.
- Pavement in fair to good condition.
- Most of the project area has safety issues.
- 225 crashes in the past five years.
- 85% are run off the road or right angle crashes.
- The rate and severity of these crashes are significant compared to similar locations.
- Conditions are unsuitable for walking and bicycling.
- Zumbro River – floodplain is close to and crosses Hwy 52.
- Endangered species – there may be three endangered species in the area – the northern long-eared bat, Minnesota dwarf trout lily, and monarch butterfly.
- Pollution – Feedlots, storage tanks, and hazardous waste sites are nearby.
What we’ve heard so far
Community members shared their experiences on Hwy 52 from Hader to Zumbrota through township board meetings, the Goodhue County Fair, a public meeting, and online engagement.
Improve safety
- Better and safer crossings on the highway
- Acceleration/deceleration lanes to enter and exit the highway
Manage access and congestion
- Interest in adding a frontage road as access points are closed
- Understanding that Hwy 52 will “grow up” over time
Agricultural needs
- Hwy 52 is important, but it is a divider. There are limited solutions for those who have to work on/around it
- Want to prioritize farmers and the feeling of “country” amidst growth
Vision for the future
- Grade-separated highway
- Continued growth in the Cannon Falls to Zumbrota area
- Better access across Hwy 52 and on/off Hwy 52 for farmers
Access treatments
Access management is:
- Planning and control of the location, spacing, design, and operation of driveways, median openings, and street connections to a roadway.
- Designates where and how vehicles access and exit a roadway.
- Helps protect public investment in roadways by:
- Preserving mobility
- Reducing delay
- Minimizing crashes
- Reducing conflict points
Below are examples of the access treatments MnDOT uses throughout the state.
Alternative 1
Alternative 1 includes a J-turn at County Road 7 as the primary intersection with a J-turn at 165th Avenue as the secondary intersection.
Alternative 2
Alternative 2 includes a J-turn at 165th Avenue as the primary intersection with a J-turn at existing County Road 7 as the secondary intersection. Under this alternative 165th Avenue would become County Road 7 from Hwy 52 north to 400th Street then west to existing County Road 7. The existing County Road 7 would turnback to the township.
Alternative 3
Alternative 3 includes a High T intersections at both County Road 7 and 165th Avenue as the primary intersections with access closures between County Road 7 and 165th Avenue along with future frontage roads along both sides of Hwy 52.
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Alternative 4
Alternative 4 includes a full access interchange at 165th Avenue as the primary intersection with access closures at and near existing County Road 7 along with future frontage road along southbound Hwy 52 with a new river bridge. Under this alternative 165th Avenue would become County Road 7 from Hwy 52 north to 400th Street then west to existing County Road 7. The existing County Road 7 would turnback to the township.
Alternative 5
Alternative 5 includes a full access interchange at County Road 7 as the primary intersection with right-in/right-out access at 165th Avenue and access closures between County Road 7 and 165th Avenue along with future frontage along southbound Hwy 52.
Alternative 6
Alternative 6 includes a full access interchange to the north of County Road 7 as the primary intersection along with a new County Road 7 from north of 420th Street to Hwy 52. A new township road would connect south of the interchange to Sherwood Trail. A J-turn intersection at 165th Avenue as the secondary intersection. Access closures between existing County Road 7 and 165th Avenue along with existing County Road 7 from Hwy 52 to the new County Road 7 north of 420th Street would turnback to the township.
Alternative 7
Alternative 7 includes a full access interchange at 165th Avenue as the primary intersection. An underpass to the north of County Road 7 as the secondary intersection along with a new County Road 7 from north of 420th Street to Hwy 52. A new township road would connect south of the interchange to Sherwood Trail. Access closures between existing County Road 7 and 165th Avenue along with existing County Road 7 from Hwy 52 to the new County Road 7 north of 420th Street would turnback to the township.
Alternative 8
Alternative 8 includes a J-Turn at 165th Avenue as the primary intersection. An underpass to the north of County Road 7 as the secondary intersection along with a new County Road 7 from north of 420th Street to Hwy 52. A new township road would connect south of the interchange to Sherwood Trail. Access closures between existing County Road 7 and 165th Avenue along with existing County Road 7 from Hwy 52 to the new County Road 7 north of 420th Street would turnback to the township.
No Build “Do Nothing” Alternative
This is the access after completion of the current construction process. The alternatives can be evaluated against this no-build alternative.
Local Road Alternative
The Local Roads Alternative shows roads turning back to the township along with additional township roads near Sherwood Trail and 440th Street. These are only some of the options that could be incorporated with the No Build or Alternatives 1-8.