June 2023 public meeting materials
The following is the information presented at the June 21, 2023 public meeting at the Zumbrota VFW.
About the study
The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) and Goodhue County are conducting a Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) study. The study will examine the Highway 52 corridor between Hader and Zumbrota.
The PEL study will help us understand how proposed transportation improvements might benefit or impact the environment, communities, and economy.
The proposed improvements aim to:
- Improve safety
- Manage access
- Improve freight movement
- Address agricultural transportation needs
- Manage congestion into the future
- Encourage economic development
This information collected as part of this study will be used to:
- Identify short and long-term needs for all travelers
- Evaluate current and future environmental conditions
- Develop criteria and evaluate alternatives
- Create an implementation plan including future projects, risks, and next steps
Note: The access points closed by the adjacent Highway 52 project will remain closed.
The study began in March 2022 and will continue into 2023.
No funding has been identified for any proposed improvements.
Existing Conditions
Traffic and Access
- The highway is managing the traffic volume well. The levels of delay or congestion are typical.
- 75% of vehicles on this section of Hwy 52 are passing through.
- Freight trucks make up 8-12.5% (2,700) daily trips.
- Several access points will be closed with the Hwy 52 Southbound Reconstruction Project.
Land Use
- Zumbrota anticipates new commercial, residential, and industrial developments.
- For new developments to the west, Hwy 52 will be a barrier into central Zumbrota.
Infrastructure Condition
- There are no concerns over the condition of existing bridges.
- Pavement in fair to good condition.
- Most of the project area has safety issues.
- 225 crashes in the past five years.
- 85% are run off the road or right angle crashes.
- The rate and severity of these crashes are significant compared to similar locations.
- Conditions are unsuitable for walking and bicycling.
- Zumbro River – floodplain is close to and crosses Hwy 52.
- Endangered species – there may be three endangered species in the area – the northern long-eared bat, Minnesota dwarf trout lily, and monarch butterfly.
- Pollution – Feedlots, storage tanks, and hazardous waste sites are nearby.
What we’ve heard so far
Community members shared their experiences on Hwy 52 from Hader to Zumbrota through township board meetings, the Goodhue County Fair, a public meeting, and online engagement.
Improve safety
- Better and safer crossings on the highway
- Acceleration/deceleration lanes to enter and exit the highway
Manage access and congestion
- Interest in adding a frontage road as access points are closed
- Understanding that Hwy 52 will “grow up” over time
Agricultural needs
- Hwy 52 is important, but it is a divider. There are limited solutions for those who have to work on/around it
- Want to prioritize farmers and the feeling of “country” amidst growth
Vision for the future
- Grade-separated highway
- Continued growth in the Cannon Falls to Zumbrota area
- Better access across Hwy 52 and on/off Hwy 52 for farmers
Access treatments
Access management is:
- Planning and control of the location, spacing, design, and operation of driveways, median openings, and street connections to a roadway.
- Designates where and how vehicles access and exit a roadway.
- Helps protect public investment in roadways by:
- Preserving mobility
- Reducing delay
- Minimizing crashes
- Reducing conflict points
Below are examples of the access treatments MnDOT uses throughout the state.
Alternative 1
Alternative 1 includes a J-turn at County Road 7 as the primary intersection with a J-turn at 165th Avenue as the secondary intersection.
Alternative 2
Alternative 2 includes a J-turn at 165th Avenue as the primary intersection with a J-turn at existing County Road 7 as the secondary intersection. Under this alternative 165th Avenue would become County Road 7 from Hwy 52 north to 400th Street then west to existing County Road 7. The existing County Road 7 would turnback to the township.
Alternative 3
Alternative 3 includes a High T intersections at both County Road 7 and 165th Avenue as the primary intersections with access closures between County Road 7 and 165th Avenue along with future frontage roads along both sides of Hwy 52.

Alternative 4
Alternative 4 includes a full access interchange at 165th Avenue as the primary intersection with access closures at and near existing County Road 7 along with future frontage road along southbound Hwy 52 with a new river bridge. Under this alternative 165th Avenue would become County Road 7 from Hwy 52 north to 400th Street then west to existing County Road 7. The existing County Road 7 would turnback to the township.
Alternative 5
Alternative 5 includes a full access interchange at County Road 7 as the primary intersection with right-in/right-out access at 165th Avenue and access closures between County Road 7 and 165th Avenue along with future frontage along southbound Hwy 52.
Alternative 6
Alternative 6 includes a full access interchange to the north of County Road 7 as the primary intersection along with a new County Road 7 from north of 420th Street to Hwy 52. A new township road would connect south of the interchange to Sherwood Trail. A J-turn intersection at 165th Avenue as the secondary intersection. Access closures between existing County Road 7 and 165th Avenue along with existing County Road 7 from Hwy 52 to the new County Road 7 north of 420th Street would turnback to the township.
Alternative 7
Alternative 7 includes a full access interchange at 165th Avenue as the primary intersection. An underpass to the north of County Road 7 as the secondary intersection along with a new County Road 7 from north of 420th Street to Hwy 52. A new township road would connect south of the interchange to Sherwood Trail. Access closures between existing County Road 7 and 165th Avenue along with existing County Road 7 from Hwy 52 to the new County Road 7 north of 420th Street would turnback to the township.
Alternative 8
Alternative 8 includes a J-Turn at 165th Avenue as the primary intersection. An underpass to the north of County Road 7 as the secondary intersection along with a new County Road 7 from north of 420th Street to Hwy 52. A new township road would connect south of the interchange to Sherwood Trail. Access closures between existing County Road 7 and 165th Avenue along with existing County Road 7 from Hwy 52 to the new County Road 7 north of 420th Street would turnback to the township.
No Build “Do Nothing” Alternative
This is the access after completion of the current construction process. The alternatives can be evaluated against this no-build alternative.
Local Road Alternative
The Local Roads Alternative shows roads turning back to the township along with additional township roads near Sherwood Trail and 440th Street. These are only some of the options that could be incorporated with the No Build or Alternatives 1-8.

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