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Second intersection design review, resurfacing review

This survey closed Sept. 15, 2024.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the in-person meeting or provided their comments online. The team is reviewed the comments and a summary is available for review. The feedback, along with other input, will be used to advance the design of the project. 

We will announce future feedback opportunities on this project website and through project email updates.

If you missed this opportunity and would like to provide your feedback, contact Cindy Morgan.

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We are planning work on Hwy 14 in 2025 and 2027. This survey includes information about both projects. Please take a moment to review the information and provide your feedback. It will be used to identify any additional work and advance the projects. 

MnDOT invites and encourages participation by all. If you need an ASL, a foreign language interpreter or other reasonable accommodation, or need documents in an alternative format (such as braille or large print), please email your request to Janet Miller at or call 651-366-4720.

0% answered

Hwy 14 resurfacing: 2025

In 2025, the Hwy 14 corridor in Rochester from Hwy 52 to Crossroads Dr. SW and from 3rd Ave. SE to Marion Rd. SE/15th Ave. SE will be resurfaced. The project will also install new sections of sidewalks, improve or construct new crosswalks, and make ADA upgrades.

Please review the plans below and provide your thoughts. Traffic control information will become available later and will be shared on the project website and the project email updates.

Please note, the images below are altered to improve people's ability to view on a small screen. A detailed map is available for review online. It will also be available at the public meeting Sept. 10, 2024.

Memorial Pkwy. SW to Crossroads Dr. SW

  • (A) Construct new sidewalk from trail system to Hwy 14 and Memorial Pkwy. SW intersection
  • (B) Install new crossing on east side of the Hwy 14 and Memorial Pkwy. SW intersection
  • (C) Construct new crossing at Apache Dr. SE
  • (D) Replace connections to trail system at bridge over the Zumbro River
  • (E) Install new crossing on west side of Hwy 14 and Crossroads Dr. SW intersection

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3rd Ave. SE to 11th Ave. SE

  • (F) Replace pedestrian ramps at Hwy 14 and 3rd Ave. SE
  • (G) Construct new sidewalks at 6th Ave. SE, 7th Ave. SE, 9th Ave. SE and 10th Ave. SE
  • (H) Improve existing crosswalks at 5th Ave. SE and 9 1/2 Ave. SE
  • (I) Repair sidewalk panels from 3rd Ave. SE to Marion Rd. Some may be replaced

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11th Ave. SE to Marion Rd. SE

  • (J) Construct new sidewalk on south side of Hwy 14 from 11th Ave. SE to Bear Creek Park access
  • (K) Replace and improve connections from Hwy 14 to Bear Creek Trail system
  • (L) Install new crossing at Bear Creek Park access
  • (M) Replace pedestrian ramps at Marion Rd.

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How satisfied are you with the planned work?

Hwy 14 and Broadway: 2027

Every day, almost 50,000 vehicles use Hwy 14 and Broadway Ave. intersection.  MnDOT and the City of Rochester are looking into changes to reduce crashes and improve crossings for pedestrians and bicyclists. Construction is planned for 2027.

In 2023, we asked the community to review our first design. Based on the input we’ve refined the design, which you will see below. Please review and provide your thoughts.

Please note, the images below are altered to improve people's ability to view on a small screen. The full layout, complete with engineering marks and notes, is also available for review. It will  also be available at the public meeting Sept. 10, 2024.

Turning on Hwy 14 and Broadway:

  • MnDOT is redesigning the intersection’s ramp-like right turns based on community feedback to slow traffic and improve safety.
  • The new design will feature more traditional right turns (A) that are tighter, slower and safer.
  • People also favor updating the intersection to include two left turn lanes (B).
  • This will make left turns easier and more efficient for everyone.

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1st Ave. SE right-turn-in-only

  • Extended right turn lanes will be added at Hwy 14 and Broadway Ave. to promote safe speeds in the new intersection.
  • A new 490-foot right turn lane on westbound Hwy 14 will make exiting 1st Ave. SE onto Hwy 14 unsafe.
  • As a result, the intersection of Hwy 14 and 1st Ave. SE will now only allow right turns (C) into the Sunnyside neighborhood via 1st Ave. SE.
  • Traffic will no longer enter Hwy 14 from 1st Ave., and will instead use 3rd Ave. SE

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Bike/pedestrian enhancements:

  • New raised crosswalks throughout the intersection will slow traffic and provide additional safety and visibility for pedestrians. (D)
  • Modern signal changes will improve ADA accessibility, safety and efficiency for pedestrians and vehicles. (E)
  • New and updated trails off the intersection will provide safer, separated options for bikes. (F)
  • The updated intersection design will address community concerns with visibility, pedestrian safety and vehicle traffic flow while planning for growing future demand

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How satisfied are you with the proposed design?