Fall 2024 Feedback

During the fall of 2024, we asked community members and stakeholders to review the 2nd design concept of the Hwy 14 and Broadway Ave. intersection. Our goal is to combine community knowledge and needs with engineering expertise.
We met with community advocacy groups, neighborhood organizations, local schools, businesses and more. People could participate on-line or at an in-person public meeting. We also accepted written comments and phone calls.
What we heard from the community:
- When rating satisfaction with the proposed design:
- Drivers, bikers, and pedestrians were, on average, neutral.
- Drivers showed slightly higher satisfaction compared to bikers and pedestrians.
- People appreciate the bike trail connections, raised crosswalks and protected pathways for pedestrians. Others thought that the additional turn lanes will widen the intersection. This will make the crossing longer for bicyclists and pedestrians.
The team understands this concern and will pursue several options:
- They will reduce the driving lanes from 12 to 11 feet. This will slightly narrow the crossings and allow space for trucks to comfortably use the intersection. Also, narrower lanes naturally indicate to drivers to slow down. This will help address concerns about speeding.
- The signal will be replaced with modern technology. Pedestrians will be given extra time to cross. The team is also researching other signal technology.
The team understands this concern and will pursue several options:
- Some people appreciated the benefits of adding double left-turn lanes. Those same people shared that vehicles block thru lanes of traffic as they wait to turn left. They felt this would give them a safe place to wait to turn.
- Comments were mixed about modifying the ramp-like right turns. Some saw the benefits and improvements, while others expressed concerns about potential congestion.
The ramp-like right turns are where most crashes happen. To reduce crashes, the right turns must change. The team preferred this style because of the specific benefits to this intersection:
- Speeding is a common complaint. The angle of the turn makes vehicles slow before turning right. It also slows vehicles as they approach the locations where pedestrians and bicyclists cross.
- A raised crosswalk makes it easier for drivers to see pedestrians and bicyclists.
- The project team has extended the turn lanes. This will keep traffic flowing and give vehicles a place to cue.
The ramp-like right turns are where most crashes happen. To reduce crashes, the right turns must change. The team preferred this style because of the specific benefits to this intersection:
- Some people shared how landscaping and beautification is important to them.
- We do not have many details about landscaping currently. However, now that we are narrowing in on the final design, those will be a part of the conversation soon. The team will work with the City of Rochester on the landscaping design.
Thank you to everyone who participated. We appreciate your feedback and insights.
Later this winter we will host another review session. We plan to share how we used some of the feedback to refine the design. Sign up for the project email updates to ensure you learn about future feedback periods.

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