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First intersection design review

This survey closed Oct. 31, 2023. A summary of what we heard is available for review.

Thank you to everyone who participated in one of our in-person meetings or provided their comments online. The project management team will use this input to advance the design of the project. We will announce future feedback opportunities on this project website and through project email updates.

In 2027, the Hwy 14 and Broadway Ave. intersection in Rochester will receive safety improvements. Every day, almost 50,000 vehicles use the intersection. MnDOT and the City of Rochester are looking into changes to reduce crashes and improve crossings for pedestrians and bicyclists.

Earlier this year, we heard comments from community members who placed a pin on our project comment mapWe have also had one-on-one conversations with local businesses and other stakeholders. Based on this feedback, we’ve developed the following design concept for intersection improvements. 

Your input will help further refine the final safety improvements for the intersection.

0% answered

The project management team proposes the following changes:

Map of current intersections with letters placed on map. Letters indicate new features or changes.View larger-image

The project management team is also evaluating a roundabout or traffic circle. There are concerns if it would work well at this location. They cited the high volume of vehicles and forecasted growth of the area. This survey asks community members to provide their opinions about intersection changes. If a roundabout or traffic circle is an option, the community will also have an opportunity to review. 

The preliminary engineering design can be viewed here

At the intersection:

A    Remove the free-rights (or ramp-like) right turns, from the intersection. These locations are where the majority of crashes occur. New, right turn lanes would be constructed. Vehicles turning right would approach the intersection, then complete a right turn. 

B    Construct new, double left turn lanes. This would provide additional space for left-turning vehicles to wait for their signal.

C    Remove the landscaping and mounded areas between the free-rights and intersection. This should help address visibility concerns expressed by the community.

D    Improve crosswalks and upgrade ADA facilities to meet current standards. Install new crosswalks across western and southern sides of the intersection.

E    Replace aging traffic signal. The new traffic signal will have updated technology to better manage traffic flow.

North of the intersection:

F     Repave from intersection to 9th St. SE.

G    Narrow lanes from 12 feet to 11 feet.  Narrower lanes naturally signal to drivers to drive slower speeds. This should help address the concerns of high vehicle speeds.

H    Widen shared use trail along Soldiers Field Golf Course. Improve and allow for more comfortable use of high-volume trail.

East of the intersection:

I    Remove the roadway and replace it with all new materials.

J    Construct new, double left turn lanes from Hwy 14 north onto 3rd Ave. SE. This would provide additional space for left-turning vehicles to wait for their signal.

K    Close 1st Ave. SE. and construct new cul-de-sac. This will help improve the flow of traffic through the intersection and address residents’ concerns about vehicles using the road as a shortcut or speeding through the neighborhood.

L    Construct new sidewalk from intersection to 3rd Ave. SE.

South of the intersection:

M    Repave from the intersection to just past the Crossroads Mall and Graham Park entrances.

N     Narrow lanes from 12 feet to 11 feet. Narrower lanes naturally signal to drivers to drive slower speeds. This should help address the concerns of high vehicle speeds.

West of the intersection:

O    Remove the roadway and replace it with all new materials.


Based on this design concept, do you believe these features will resolve the issues identified with the intersection?