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Community Survey, July 2023

This comment map closed Aug. 30, 2023. Thank you to everyone who participated. A summary of the feedback provided by the community is available for review.

If you missed the deadline and would like to submit a comment, please reach out to Cindy Morgan at or 507-951-6593.

We are planning to reconstruct portions of Hwy 16/Hwy 63 and make ADA improvements.

From Tracy Rd to Griswold St., we plan to remove the road surface and replace it with new materials. We also plan to replace the sidewalks and make other improvements.

We do not plan to make any changes to the road from the Hwy 16 intersection to Co. Rd. 12. However, we plan to make pedestrian improvements, sidewalk repairs and improve drainage.

Please take this short survey about Hwy 63 from Tracy Rd. to Griswold St. Your feedback is important and will help shape the future of this roadway.

This survey will close at midnight Aug. 30, 2023.

To the extent information submitted in connection with this engagement opportunity identifies an individual or business, the information may be protected from disclosure under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA). Any identifying information you provide will not be associated with your individual responses. However, any identifying information will be accessible to MnDOT employees, agents, consultants and contractors with a business need to access the information, and others as required by court order or as authorized by federal or state law. Minor individuals who have provided information on this site have the right to request that parental access to the private data on the minor, be denied. You are not obligated to respond to this engagement opportunity, and there are no consequences if you do not respond. However, if you do not respond, MnDOT may not fully understand who is providing input on the transportation projects, plans and programs for which it is seeking public input. 

0% answered


How do you use the Hwy 16/Hwy 63 area? (Select all that apply)

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How did you hear about this project?

(Select all that apply)


During construction, how would you prefer to receive updates?

(Select all that apply)