Summary: Community survey, July 2023
Thank you to everyone who participated in the community survey. The online survey was open from June - August 2023, and over 130 surveys were completed. Project staff also collected feedback from community members at a Wednesdays on Broadway event. Corridor maps and design options were available for review and comment.
Roadway design
Participants reviewed four different roadway design options and were asked to rate their satisfaction with each. The options showed different roadway elements (e.g., lane widths, parking and wide vs. narrow shoulders) and pedestrian/bicycle elements (e.g., sidewalks, shared use path, and bikeable shoulders). Option D was the preferred design.
Option D features included:
- No parking on either side or the road
- A wide shoulder for bicyclists on both sides of the road
- Sidewalks on both sides of the road
- The narrowing of the road will naturally signal to drivers to slow down
- This option has minor impacts to property
- To allow for these roadway features and correct drainage issues, the construction limits (yellow line) would remain close to the right of way (red dashed line) on both sides of the road. This decreases the likelihood that property owners would experience impacts to their property
Survey results and summary of comments
- Most respondents use the corridor daily for commuting purposes or to visit a local business
- Comments relating to current and future safety conditions were made throughout the survey
- 80% of participants agree the sidewalks need to be improved
- 23% of people feel a bike lane/bikeable shoulder is necessary
- Parking along Highway 16/63 does not appear to be a priority to the community and could be removed or reduced to one side of the roadway
- Turn lanes should be considered as traffic is often traveling too fast through the corridor and turning traffic or parked cars create conflict
- Wider shoulders would also be helpful as farm equipment periodically uses the corridor, but would need to be balanced against impacts on traffic speeds
- There is a strong consensus that trees and landscaping need to be preserved or replaced with future roadway improvements. Comments noted the existing, mature trees make the roadway beautiful and provide shade and aesthetic benefits.
Comments on current conditions
- A majority of participants did not see a need for parking. Limited on-street parking was suggested
- Existing sidewalks need to be replaced. Closing gaps in the sidewalk system will increase safety
- Several respondents support bike trails, but feel it would be safer to have a multi-use trail separated from the street
- Existing trees should be preserved, if possible, or replaced. Impact to property owners should be minimized
- Controlling traffic speed is a priority due to pedestrians, bicyclists, turning traffic and farm vehicles
- Children walk along or cross this section of roadway. Current conditions are not safe
Community priorities
Community members identifies these as the most important corridor issues:
- Pedestrian/sidewalk improvements
- Freight/agriculture traffic
- Reducing the speed of vehicles
Community members identified these as the most important design features:
- Sidewalk and trails
- Wide shoulders
- Landscape boulevard, trees and/or green space
Thank you again to everyone who participated. The project team will take this feedback and use it to help guide the design of the corridor.
If you missed the deadline and would like to submit a comment, please reach out to Cindy Morgan at or 507-951-6593.
Thank you for your contribution!
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