Cannon Falls Active Transportation Plan
MnDOT is collaborating with the City of Cannon Falls to make the city a better place to walk, bike, and roll. Cannon Falls wants to remove the barriers that people face when choosing to walk or bike in the community. Making it easier to walk and bike in Cannon Falls can improve community health, culture, and social relationships.
We need your help
We need your help identifying how we might make walking, biking, and rolling (e.g., other mobility devices like scooters and wheelchairs) a safer, more accessible, and enjoyable option in Cannon Falls. We welcome your input and look forward to our active transportation future.
Cannon Falls Active Transportation Map
Help us plan improvements to make walking, biking and rolling easier and safer in Cannon Falls. Use the “plus sign icon” to the left to add pins on the map and consider these questions while placing your pins:
- Where are the most stressful places to walk/bike/roll in your community?
- What destinations would you like to walk or bike to but cannot? What barriers prevent you getting there?
- Do you use any routes to make the hilly terrain in Cannon Falls easier to navigate?
The Cannon Valley Trail is shown on the map in green to help you answer the questions above.
You can also share any information you think will be helpful on our questions tool as we continue developing the plan.