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6th Avenue and McKay Demonstration Project

The City of Alexandria would like to hear from you about the 6th Avenue and McKay demonstration project. Demonstration projects are temporary roadway projects that use low-cost materials to test changes to the street before potentially investing in longer term solutions.

Project Goals:

  • Designate a clear shared walking and biking path along 6th Avenue
  • Provide clearly marked crossings for people walking, biking and rolling at/across McKay
  • Slow motorists’ speeds
  • Test ideas to inform future 6th Avenue Street project

The project will test:

  • Separated pathway designated for people walking, biking and rolling
  • High visibility crosswalk markings and pedestrian safety island at 6th Avenue and McKay intersection
  • Painted curb extensions, high visibility crosswalk markings and pedestrian safety island at 7th Avenue and McKay intersection

Your responses will help us understand how well the project meets these goals. The survey should take about 5 minutes to complete. Your responses will remain confidential. We thank you for your time and feedback! 

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Provide your input

MnDOT is collaborating with the City of Alexandria to make walking, biking and rolling safer and more comfortable for people of all ages and abilities. We’d like to hear from you about your experiences walking, running, biking or rolling around Alexandria.

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To the extent information submitted in connection with this survey identifies an individual or business, the information may be protected from disclosure under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA). Any identifying information you provide will not be associated with your individual survey responses. However, any identifying information will be accessible to MnDOT employees whose job reasonably requires access to the information, to anyone you specifically authorize to receive the information, pursuant to a court order, and by any other person or entity authorized by state or federal law. You are not obligated to respond to this survey, and there are no consequences if you do not respond. However, if you do not respond, MnDOT may not fully understand the public’s experience with this project.


Which of these apply to you? (Check all that apply)

* required

How did you travel through the demonstration project? (Check all that apply)

* required

Which part of the project did you travel through or experience? (Check all that apply)

* required