The plan is a federally required effort that envisions the future needs to move goods and services to serve Minnesota’s economy over the next 20 years. It's vital to identify key investments in the freight system statewide and to better support the transportation of goods and services across modes. This update links into previous statewide engagement efforts, including the Manufacturer Perspectives’ Studies and regional district freight plans.
Public Comment Period
MnDOT provided the public an opportunity to review and comment on the draft 2024 Minnesota State Freight Plan.
Public Engagement
MnDOT worked with public, nonprofit and private partners across various industry sectors to develop the State Freight Plan. MnDOT also engaged with the public and other stakeholders through pop-up tables at events throughout the state and held stakeholder interviews and discussions.
MnDOT adopted the Minnesota State Freight Plan in November 2024. The public comment period has since closed. Thank you for providing feedback.
The plan is a federally required effort that envisions the future needs to move goods and services to serve Minnesota’s economy over the next 20 years. It's vital to identify key investments in the freight system statewide and to better support the transportation of goods and services across modes. This update links into previous statewide engagement efforts, including the Manufacturer Perspectives’ Studies and regional district freight plans.
Public Comment Period
MnDOT provided the public an opportunity to review and comment on the draft 2024 Minnesota State Freight Plan.
Public Engagement
MnDOT worked with public, nonprofit and private partners across various industry sectors to develop the State Freight Plan. MnDOT also engaged with the public and other stakeholders through pop-up tables at events throughout the state and held stakeholder interviews and discussions.
The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) is updating the State Freight Plan to improve freight access, reliability, and connections across the state. Freight helps deliver goods purchased online and food, which can involve multiple modes of transportation. As you think through the questions below, consider all types of modes and freight facilities and how they impact you:
Trucks, roadways, and truck stops
Freight trains, railroads, and railyards
Cargo ships, waterways, and waterway ports
Cargo planes and airports
Multiple modes of freight
Your feedback will help guide investments for the state freight transportation system and help to create a 20-year vision for the future state freight network.
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Waaxda Gaadiidka ee Minnesota (MnDOT) waxa ay dhameystir ku sameyneysaa Qorshaha Xamuulka ee Gobolka si loo horumariyo helitaanka, ku kalsoonaanta, iyo isku xirka gobolka oo dhan. Xamuulku waxa uu caawiyaa in alaabada laga iibsado barta internetka iyo cuntada la gaarsiiyo, taasoo ay ka mid yihiin laba nooc oo gaadiidka xamuulka ah. Marka aad ka jawaabeyso su’aalaha hoos ku xusan, tixgeli dhamaan noocyada gaadiidka xamuulka iyo sida ay saameyn kuugu yeeshaan:
Gawaarida waaweyn ee xamuulka, wadooyinka iyo halka gaadiidka xamuulku istaago
Tareenada xamuulka qaada, xamuulka biyaha la mariyo iyo goobaha tareenada
Xamuulka doomaha, biyaha la mariyo, iyo dekadaha webiyada ee ay ka degaan
Talo soo jeedintaada waxa ay naga caawineysaa maalgelinta gobolka ee noocyada kala duwan ee gaadiidka xamuulka iyada oo naga caawineysa in la abuuro aragtida 20ka sano ee mustaqbalka shabakada xamuulka ee goolka.
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El Departamento de Transporte de Minnesota (MnDOT) está actualizando el Plan Estatal de Transporte de Carga para mejorar el acceso, la confiabilidad y las conexiones del transporte de carga en todo el estado. El transporte de carga ayuda a entregar productos comprados en línea y alimentos, lo que puede implicar múltiples modos de transporte. Mientras piensa en las preguntas a continuación, considere todos los tipos de modos e instalaciones de carga y cómo le impactan:
Camiones, carreteras y paradas de camiones
Trenes de mercancías, ferrocarriles y patios ferroviarios
Buques de carga, vías navegables y puertos fluviales
Aviones de carga y aeropuertos
Múltiples modos de transporte de carga
Sus comentarios ayudarán a guiar las inversiones para el sistema estatal de transporte de carga y ayudarán a crear una visión de 20 años para la futura red estatal de transporte de carga.
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Page last updated: 27 Dec 2024, 01:20 PM
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Phase 1: June to August 2023
State Freight Plan has finished this stage
Create materials and develop messaging
Phase 2: September 2023 to March 2024
State Freight Plan has finished this stage
Stakeholder and public engagement with target audiences
Phase 3: March to April 2024
State Freight Plan has finished this stage
Share preliminary findings and engagement results
Phase 4: April to January 2025
State Freight Plan has finished this stage
Finalize and share the State Freight Plan
Project complete
State Freight Plan is currently at this stage
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2024 State Freight Plan Video
The Minnesota Department of Transportation is working to update Minnesota’s State Freight Plan. The plan is a federally required effort that envisions the future needs to move goods and services to serve Minnesota’s economy over the next 20 years. It's vital to identify key investments in the freight system statewide and to better support the transportation of goods and services across modes. This update will link into previous statewide engagement efforts, including the Manufacturer Perspectives’ Studies and regional District Freight Plans. This video provides an overview of the plan and engagement process.