Roseville Bike Plan

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Roseville’s Bike Plan will build on work already done by the Roseville Pathways Master Plan, Ramsey County, and the Metropolitan Council. It will identify and prioritize bicycle routes for improvement or construction based on safety, community health and equity goals, such as connections between areas of low-income households and transit. The plan will be actionable, with key strategies for bikeway implementation, including phasing, and will provide supporting background for future grant applications as well as identification of funding sources.

We need your help

We need your help identifying how we can make biking a more comfortable, accessible, and equitable transportation option in Roseville. We welcome your input and look forward to our active transportation future.

Ways to stay engaged

  • Sign up for the email list
  • Read the News Feed for updates

Roseville’s Bike Plan will build on work already done by the Roseville Pathways Master Plan, Ramsey County, and the Metropolitan Council. It will identify and prioritize bicycle routes for improvement or construction based on safety, community health and equity goals, such as connections between areas of low-income households and transit. The plan will be actionable, with key strategies for bikeway implementation, including phasing, and will provide supporting background for future grant applications as well as identification of funding sources.

We need your help

We need your help identifying how we can make biking a more comfortable, accessible, and equitable transportation option in Roseville. We welcome your input and look forward to our active transportation future.

Ways to stay engaged

  • Sign up for the email list
  • Read the News Feed for updates
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Roseville Bike Facilities Map

7 months

Thank you for helping us plan improvements for biking in Roseville. Users were asked to consider these questions while placing pins:

  • Where are the most stressful places to walk/bike/roll in your community?
  • What dream trail features would you like to see in Roseville and where should they be?
  • What other type of active transportation improvements would you like to see in the city?

Existing bicycle infrastructure is shown on the map to help you answer the questions above—on-road striped shoulders shown in yellow , off-road paths in green and sidewalks in orange .

CLOSED: This map tool is now closed, but you may still explore map comments.
Page last updated: 12 Jul 2024, 09:26 AM