Rochester Active Transportation Connections: Linking with 2nd Street SW
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The City of Rochester is working to expand safe and convenient walking, bicycling and rolling (e.g., other mobility devices like scooters and wheelchairs) connections to and from the 2nd Street SW Corridor and the planned Link Bus Rapid Transit (BRT). We hope to learn from you through this process.
Creating partnerships, public engagement, and special events to support this effort.
Engaging people to identify active travel barriers and opportunities for improvement along priority routes within a mile of the 2nd Street SW Corridor.
Ideate – Turning key insight into actions
Exploring the active transportation infrastructure toolbox for techniques that can alleviate the barriers identified within the study area.
Iterate – Putting the plan together
Installing a demonstration project to test new concepts.
Finalizing high-quality and public-supported street concepts that enable the City of Rochester to move forward with complete streets infrastructure projects supporting the 2nd Street SW Corridor.
We need your help identifying how we can make walking, bicycling and rolling more comfortable, accessible and equitable transportation options in Rochester. We welcome your input and look forward to our active transportation future.
The City of Rochester is working to expand safe and convenient walking, bicycling and rolling (e.g., other mobility devices like scooters and wheelchairs) connections to and from the 2nd Street SW Corridor and the planned Link Bus Rapid Transit (BRT). We hope to learn from you through this process.
Creating partnerships, public engagement, and special events to support this effort.
Engaging people to identify active travel barriers and opportunities for improvement along priority routes within a mile of the 2nd Street SW Corridor.
Ideate – Turning key insight into actions
Exploring the active transportation infrastructure toolbox for techniques that can alleviate the barriers identified within the study area.
Iterate – Putting the plan together
Installing a demonstration project to test new concepts.
Finalizing high-quality and public-supported street concepts that enable the City of Rochester to move forward with complete streets infrastructure projects supporting the 2nd Street SW Corridor.
We need your help identifying how we can make walking, bicycling and rolling more comfortable, accessible and equitable transportation options in Rochester. We welcome your input and look forward to our active transportation future.