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City of Rochester Active Transportation Survey

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MnDOT is collaborating with the City of Rochester to expand safe and convenient walking and bicycling connections to the planned 2nd Street SW Corridor and Link Bus Rapid Transit (BRT). We’d like to hear from you about your experiences walking, biking or rolling  to and from 2nd Street SW. Note: “Rolling” includes using a wheelchair, scooter or other small wheeled personal mobility device.

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Data collected in this survey will not be used for any other purpose than stated above. All data will only be shared in aggregate and individuals will not be identified. To the extent you provide information that identifies yourself, your business, or how to contact you, that information may be protected from disclosure under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. Identifying information will only be accessible to MnDOT employees whose job reasonably requires access, to anyone you specifically authorize to receive the information, pursuant to court order, and by any other person or entity authorized by state or federal law. You are not required to respond to this survey and there are no consequences for not responding. 


How often do you walk, bike or roll along or near the 2nd Street SW TOD Corridor?