Where we are now
Where we are now
Recently, MnDOT shared its initial recommendations on which project alternatives should move forward for study in the environmental review process known as a Tier 1 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). In the coming months, MnDOT will be working with project partners to review options and make final recommendations.
MnDOT has created a StoryMap to help share information with the public about the options being studied, how they are being evaluated, MnDOT’s recommendations, and next steps.
Next steps
Spring 2025: Alternatives Evaluation Memo and Matrix
In spring 2025, MnDOT will complete its review of the alternatives. The final recommendations and details will be shared with the public. The project website and StoryMap will be updated.
Spring - Fall 2025: Scoping Document/Draft Scoping Decision Document
Later this year, MnDOT will prepare a Scoping Document/Draft Scoping Decision Document (SD/DSDD). This document will identify options and topics that will be studied in the Tier 1 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Agency partners and committees will review the draft document. After making updates, MnDOT will share it with the public.
Late Fall 2025: Comment Period
In late fall 2025/winter 2026, there will be a formal public comment period on the SD/DSDD, during which MnDOT will collect and categorize feedback by theme. Comments received will inform the environmental review process, help refine options and solutions, and will be included in the final document known as the Scoping Decision Document.
MnDOT welcomes comments and questions about the project at any time; however, public comments received outside the Scoping Decision Document comment period will be collected and reviewed but will not be included as formal comments in the Scoping Decision Document. Additional information on the comment period and participation details will be shared later in 2025.
Winter 2025 - Spring 2026: Final Scoping Decision Document
After the public comment period, MnDOT will prepare the final Scoping Decision Document. This document will summarize the comments received and provide responses to them. It will also finalize the alternatives for further study in the Tier 1 Environmental Impact Statement and outline the topics that will be explored in more detail.
The project is in the environmental process phase. The environmental process is an orderly process. We will update the information and materials on this site as we continue through the process.

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