
Upcoming meetings

Coffee in the Community

Join our Rethinking I-94 team to discuss the project while sipping a cup of coffee. Get your questions answered and get to know the project team in an informal setting.

Wed, March 26
12 – 2 p.m.
Golden Thyme Café (934 Selby Ave., St. Paul)

We will organize a Coffee in the Community event each month, held at different locations and times, leading up to the public comment period. If you can’t join this one, there will be more scheduled. Additionally, project staff will be attending community events and hosting public meetings during the summer and fall.

Past meetings

Alternatives public meetings

Aug. 23, 2023: Virtual public meetings

Aug. 24, 2023: In-person meetings, Elliot Park Recreation Center, Minneapolis

Sept. 14, 2023: In-person meetings, Rondo Community Library, St. Paul

Transit study public meetings

Oct. 12, 2022: In-person public meeting

Oct. 11, 2022: Virtual public meeting

Public information meetings and Community Conversations

Nov. 17, 2021: Rethinking I-94 Community Conversations - This presentation was given in English with live Karen translation.

Nov. 17, 2021: Rethinking I-94 Community Conversations - This presentation was given in English with live Hmong translation.

Nov. 16, 2021: Rethinking I-94 Community Conversations - This presentation was given in English with live English with Somali translation.

Nov. 16, 2021: Rethinking I-94 Community Conversations - This presentation was given in English with live English with Spanish translation.

Public meeting accommodations

MnDOT invites and encourages participation by all people in their programs, services and activities. If you need an ASL, a foreign language interpreter, or documents in an alternative format (such as braille, large print or in a different language) at no cost, please email your request to Janet Miller at link) or call 651-366-4720. Relay service: 711.

If you need any other reasonable accommodation to participate (such as seating modification or auxiliary aids), please email your request to link) or call 1-833-400-8432. Relay service: 711.

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