Metro District Freight Plan

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We are developing a Metro District Freight Plan. This plan will provide local decision makers with a better understanding of the freight system, needs, and issues specific to the Metro District. It will be used to inform future freight transportation system policies, programs and projects in the region. An improved understanding of the Metro freight system helps us to better ensure Minnesotans have access to key goods and services.

Once the Metro District Freight Plan is completed, all MnDOT districts will have a District Freight Plan that analyzes the long-term district freight issues and needs. This plan is being completed at the same time as an update to the Statewide Freight Plan.

We want to hear your experiences and thoughts on freight. We want to hear from stakeholders and communities who haven’t traditionally been involved in freight planning. We will use this platform to keep you updated about the development of the Metro District Freight Plan and public engagement opportunities such as online surveys. We will also gather feedback from freight industry experts, manufacturers, shippers, carriers, and other stakeholders to help us develop the plan.

Opportunities to engage

Your feedback will help us develop the Metro District Freight Plan and the future of the district’s freight system. You can provide feedback in the following ways:

We are developing a Metro District Freight Plan. This plan will provide local decision makers with a better understanding of the freight system, needs, and issues specific to the Metro District. It will be used to inform future freight transportation system policies, programs and projects in the region. An improved understanding of the Metro freight system helps us to better ensure Minnesotans have access to key goods and services.

Once the Metro District Freight Plan is completed, all MnDOT districts will have a District Freight Plan that analyzes the long-term district freight issues and needs. This plan is being completed at the same time as an update to the Statewide Freight Plan.

We want to hear your experiences and thoughts on freight. We want to hear from stakeholders and communities who haven’t traditionally been involved in freight planning. We will use this platform to keep you updated about the development of the Metro District Freight Plan and public engagement opportunities such as online surveys. We will also gather feedback from freight industry experts, manufacturers, shippers, carriers, and other stakeholders to help us develop the plan.

Opportunities to engage

Your feedback will help us develop the Metro District Freight Plan and the future of the district’s freight system. You can provide feedback in the following ways:

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Metro District Freight Plan Map

7 months

Where can we improve freight transportation?

Help us identify where freight transportation improvements are needed in the Metro District using a comment map. Your feedback will help guide investments across the freight transportation system to create a 20-year vision for the future Twin Cities freight network.

To place a comment:

Zoom to the location on the map where you want to place your comment. Click on the plus sign (+) icon to the left. Then, click and drag the type of freight mode or facility your comment is about onto the map. Examples of freight topics you may want to comment on include:

  • Freight safety
  • Roadway condition
  • Congestion
  • Truck bottlenecks
  • Port and waterway needs
  • Blocked rail crossings
  • Cost or obstacles of delivery
  • Intermodal access
  • Government regulations (freight-related)
  • Truck parking
  • Air quality
  • Noise
Page last updated: 11 Sep 2024, 05:55 AM