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Freight Industry Survey

How can we improve freight transportation?

The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) is creating the Metro District Freight Plan while simultaneously updating the State Freight Plan to improve freight mobility, access, reliability, and connections, and to reduce negative impacts associated with freight across Minnesota.

Do you work in the freight industry?

This survey is for individuals who work in the freight industry—employees, employers, drivers, advocacy organizations, etc. There will be a separate survey for residents and community members later in 2024.

As you think through the questions below, consider the types of modes and freight facilities you encounter in your work and how they impact you:

  • Trucks, roadways, and truck stops
  • Freight trains, railroads, and railyards
  • Cargo, river barge, or laker ships, waterways, and waterway ports
  • Cargo planes and airports
  • Pipelines
  • Multiple modes of freight

Your feedback will help guide policies, programs, and projects for the freight transportation system and help to create a vision for the future freight network.

0% answered

Select option


What is your role and/or relationship with the freight industry? Select all that apply.


Please specify the type of freight transportation mode(s) you focus on in your work. Select all that apply.


Which types of freight facilities need the most support in Minnesota? Select up to three.