Hwy 44 and Hwy 76 roundabout – Caledonia

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Map of Caledonia. A red dot marks the location of the planned roundabout at Hwy 4 and Hwy 76.View full-size mapWe are planning to construct a roundabout at the intersection of Hwy 44 and Hwy 76 in Caledonia. The goal is to reduce crashes and improve safety.

Several factors challenge driver’s abilities to judge other vehicle’s speeds. This leads to poor decision making which results in crashes.

We have tried other fixes and there have been improvements. However, severe, right-angle crashes continue to occur. Right-angle crashes, also known as T-bone crashes, tend to be life-altering or deadly.

With the support of the City of Caledonia, we applied for special funding. The application included a deep analysis of potential solutions in which a roundabout was chosen. It will reduce the risk of crashes, especially right-angle crashes.

Construction is expected to occur in 2028.

Get involved

June feedback opportunities

Thank you to everyone who learned more about this project and provided their feedback. The on-line survey is now closed. We are evaluating the responses and will have a summary of what we heard in the near future.

Map of Caledonia. A red dot marks the location of the planned roundabout at Hwy 4 and Hwy 76.View full-size mapWe are planning to construct a roundabout at the intersection of Hwy 44 and Hwy 76 in Caledonia. The goal is to reduce crashes and improve safety.

Several factors challenge driver’s abilities to judge other vehicle’s speeds. This leads to poor decision making which results in crashes.

We have tried other fixes and there have been improvements. However, severe, right-angle crashes continue to occur. Right-angle crashes, also known as T-bone crashes, tend to be life-altering or deadly.

With the support of the City of Caledonia, we applied for special funding. The application included a deep analysis of potential solutions in which a roundabout was chosen. It will reduce the risk of crashes, especially right-angle crashes.

Construction is expected to occur in 2028.

Get involved

June feedback opportunities

Thank you to everyone who learned more about this project and provided their feedback. The on-line survey is now closed. We are evaluating the responses and will have a summary of what we heard in the near future.

  • This survey closed July 7th, 2024.

    Thank you to everyone who provided their feedback. We are evaluating the responses and will have a summary of what we heard in the near future.

    In partnership with the City of Caledonia, MnDOT plans to build a roundabout at the intersection of Hwy 44 and Hwy 76. Construction is expected to occur in 2028.

    View full-sized image

    From Jan. 1, 2014 to Dec. 31, 2023 there were 17 recorded crashes. 11 of the 17 were right-angle, also known as T-bone, crashes. The goal is to reduce the number of right-angle crashes which are most likely to be life-altering or deadly.

    With the support of the City of Caledonia, MnDOT applied for Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funds. As part of the process, a MnDOT team gathered crash statistics and determined the likely causes. They then took a deep look at potential solutions, including a traffic signal, J-turn and other options.

    A roundabout was found to be the best solution to reduce severe crashes at this site.

    Conflict points and collision angle

    A conflict points is any location where the path of roadway users intersect. They are categorized as crossing, merging, or diverging. A typical intersection has 32 conflict points. 16 of them are crossing which can result in right-angle crashes. 

    A roundabout has 8 conflict points. 0 are crossing. While there may be crashes, this would greatly reduce the severity.

    Source: FHWA 


    Speed also contributes to the severity of crashes. As speed increases, the amount of energy that can be transferred in a collision increases exponentially. This contributes to the severity of crashes at the intersection. 

    By design, vehicles must slow before entering a roundabout. If there is a crash, this would help reduce the severity. Additionally, this would also help slow vehicles as they enter the City of Caledonia.

    Share your feedback:

    MnDOT and the City of Caledonia applied and received HSIP funds to construct a roundabout. Community feedback will help us develop specific features of this roundabout. Please participate in this survey to help us identify community concerns and needs.

    The community will have more opportunities to review the design and provide feedback before construction.

    To the extent information submitted in connection with this engagement opportunity identifies an individual or business, the information may be protected from disclosure under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA). Any identifying information you provide will not be associated with your individual responses. However, any identifying information will be accessible to MnDOT employees, agents, consultants and contractors with a business need to access the information, and others as required by court order or as authorized by federal or state law. Minor individuals who have provided information on this site have the right to request that parental access to the private data on the minor, be denied. You are not obligated to respond to this engagement opportunity, and there are no consequences if you do not respond. However, if you do not respond, MnDOT may not fully understand who is providing input on the transportation projects, plans and programs for which it is seeking public input. 

    Take Survey
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Page last updated: 26 Sep 2024, 12:05 PM