Hwy 194/Central Entrance — Corridor Study and Construction
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We plan to reconstruct Central Entrance/Hwy 194 from Trinity Road to Mesaba Avenue in Duluth. The final project will improve traffic flow and pedestrian safety throughout the corridor. Agencies, businesses and the general public will have many opportunities to engage on this project throughout the various stages.
- County: St. Louis
- Cost: $12.2-$16.5 M
- Year: Estimated 2029-30
- Improvements:
- Pedestrian safety
- Improve traffic flow
- Business access
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Central Entrance
Click on the plus sign to the left and then drag and drop the marker to a location on the map where you see concerns along the Central Entrance corridor between Trinity Road and Mesaba Avenue.
Page last updated: 04 Dec 2024, 07:32 AM