Hwy 194/Central Entrance — Corridor Study and Construction
We plan to reconstruct Central Entrance/Hwy 194 from Trinity Road to Mesaba Avenue in Duluth. View full-size mapThe final project will improve traffic flow and pedestrian safety throughout the corridor. Agencies, businesses and the general public will have many opportunities to engage on this project throughout the various stages.
- County: St. Louis
- Cost: $12.2-$16.5 M
- Year: Estimated 2029-30
- Improvements:
- Pedestrian safety
- Improve traffic flow
- Business access
We plan to reconstruct Central Entrance/Hwy 194 from Trinity Road to Mesaba Avenue in Duluth. View full-size mapThe final project will improve traffic flow and pedestrian safety throughout the corridor. Agencies, businesses and the general public will have many opportunities to engage on this project throughout the various stages.
- County: St. Louis
- Cost: $12.2-$16.5 M
- Year: Estimated 2029-30
- Improvements:
- Pedestrian safety
- Improve traffic flow
- Business access
Public meeting
Share Public meeting on Facebook Share Public meeting on Twitter Share Public meeting on Linkedin Email Public meeting linkWe hosted a virtual public meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 20, to introduce the Central Entrance project in Duluth. For those unable to attend, please view the recording here.
Transportation study
Share Transportation study on Facebook Share Transportation study on Twitter Share Transportation study on Linkedin Email Transportation study linkThe Duluth-Superior Metropolitan Interstate Council worked with consultants to provide a transportation study of the corridor. Central Entrance was divided into five zones that roughly align with the surrounding land uses and roadway context. The five zones used in the plan were
- Zone 1: Trinity Road to Anderson Road
- Zone 2: Anderson Road to Basswood Avenue
- Zone 3: Basswood Avenue to Arlington Avenue (County State Aid Highway [CSAH] 90)
- Zone 4: Arlington Avenue (CSAH 90) to Blackman Avenue
- Zone 5: Blackman Avenue to Mesaba Avenue (CSAH 4)
Existing conditions
Share Existing conditions on Facebook Share Existing conditions on Twitter Share Existing conditions on Linkedin Email Existing conditions linkCentral Entrance is a main roadway that historically serves automobile traffic. The corridor has poor pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure and bus stops that lack adequate accessibility and amenities. It also has multiple driveway accesses that create conflicts between vehicles and pedestrians. Combining these challenges with high vehicle speeds creates an unsafe place to walk or bike. It also discourages development and redevelopment along the corridor.Central Entrance plays an important role in Duluth’s roadway network. It is one of the few direct routes connecting Duluth’s Miller Hill area to downtown Duluth and neighborhoods along Lake Superior. Because of its role in the roadway network, Central Entrance is important for all modes of transportation. -
Corridor vision
Share Corridor vision on Facebook Share Corridor vision on Twitter Share Corridor vision on Linkedin Email Corridor vision linkWe developed a set of guiding values to describe our vision for the future of Central Entrance:Safe & equitable multimodal transportation system: Central Entrance will be a safe, accessible and comfortable street for all people. Walking, biking and transit will be viable and an easy choice while moving people and goods in cars, trucks and buses safely and efficiently.Healthy, walkable community: Central Entrance will support multimodal travel year-round.Thriving local business community: Central Entrance will meet the needs of new and existing businesses by providing reasonable access and creating opportunities for new types of development and redevelopment.Sustainable and resilient corridor: Central Entrance improvements will address long-term infrastructure needs and create opportunities for green infrastructure.A vibrant gateway to Duluth: Central Entrance is an attractive corridor that welcomes visitors and residents to the City of Duluth and the Central Entrance business district.
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Hwy 194/Central Entrance — Corridor Study and Construction is currently at this stage2022-24: Throughout the year, we will meet with businesses, residents, agencies and the general public to gather feedback on how people use Central Entrance and how it could be improved. We will do this through online engagement, surveys, open houses, one-on-one meetings and more.
Virtual public meeting
this is an upcoming stage for Hwy 194/Central Entrance — Corridor Study and ConstructionDec. 21, 2022: Virtual public meeting to talk about the Central Entrance project. View a recording of the meeting here.
Community kick-off event
this is an upcoming stage for Hwy 194/Central Entrance — Corridor Study and ConstructionNov. 3, 2022: Hosted a community kick-off event from 4-6 p.m. at the MnDOT headquarters, 1123 Mesaba Ave., Duluth. Learn more about the project, give feedback, meet project staff and enjoy light fall refreshments.
Concept development
this is an upcoming stage for Hwy 194/Central Entrance — Corridor Study and Construction2023-25: During this phase, we will analyze alternative solutions to fit the needs of those who use Central Entrance and select a preferred alternative for design. During this phase, traffic studies will also be used to determine usage. We will continue to engage the public throughout this process.
this is an upcoming stage for Hwy 194/Central Entrance — Corridor Study and Construction2025: During this phase, we will work on the design of the preferred alternative.
Final design
this is an upcoming stage for Hwy 194/Central Entrance — Corridor Study and Construction2026: We will continue work on the final design of Central Entrance.
this is an upcoming stage for Hwy 194/Central Entrance — Corridor Study and Construction2028-29: Construction of the final design.
Phone 218-606-7822 Email brad.scott@state.mn.us -
Phone 218-750-0941 Email stephanie.christensen@state.mn.us