Hwy 14 and Broadway Ave. Intersection Safety Improvements

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Hwy 14 and Broadway Ave. Intersection

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In 2027, the Hwy 14 and Broadway Ave. intersection in Rochester will receive safety improvements. Every day, almost 50,000 vehicles use the intersection. MnDOT and the City of Rochester are looking into changes to reduce crashes and improve crossings for pedestrians and bicyclists.

The project will span west and east on Hwy 14 from 4th Ave. SW to 3rd Ave. SE and north and south from 9th St. SE to the access points north of 14 St. SW. Some portions of this project will include a reconstruction, where all the materials of the road are removed and replaced with new ones.

The team is looking into these changes:

  • Alter right and left turning lanes
  • Reduce speeding, especially on Broadway Ave.
  • Reconstruct Broadway Ave. to 9th St. SE
  • Adjust crosswalks and install new sidewalks/trails
  • Upgrade ADA facilities
  • Replace traffic signal
  • Improve lighting

Hwy 14 resurfacing

In 2025, the Hwy 14 corridor in Rochester from Hwy 52 to Crossroads Dr. SW and from 3rd Ave. SE to Marion Rd. SE/15th Ave. SE will be resurfaced. This project will restore ride quality, improve pedestrian mobility and experience, and extend the service life of the highway. Learn more at the project website.

Project work includes:

  • Resurfacing the roadway with a new layer of asphalt
  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) reconstruction, including pedestrian ramps, to improve accessibility
  • Installation of new designated crossing areas to increase pedestrian and bicyclist mobility

Hwy 14 and Broadway Ave. Intersection

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In 2027, the Hwy 14 and Broadway Ave. intersection in Rochester will receive safety improvements. Every day, almost 50,000 vehicles use the intersection. MnDOT and the City of Rochester are looking into changes to reduce crashes and improve crossings for pedestrians and bicyclists.

The project will span west and east on Hwy 14 from 4th Ave. SW to 3rd Ave. SE and north and south from 9th St. SE to the access points north of 14 St. SW. Some portions of this project will include a reconstruction, where all the materials of the road are removed and replaced with new ones.

The team is looking into these changes:

  • Alter right and left turning lanes
  • Reduce speeding, especially on Broadway Ave.
  • Reconstruct Broadway Ave. to 9th St. SE
  • Adjust crosswalks and install new sidewalks/trails
  • Upgrade ADA facilities
  • Replace traffic signal
  • Improve lighting

Hwy 14 resurfacing

In 2025, the Hwy 14 corridor in Rochester from Hwy 52 to Crossroads Dr. SW and from 3rd Ave. SE to Marion Rd. SE/15th Ave. SE will be resurfaced. This project will restore ride quality, improve pedestrian mobility and experience, and extend the service life of the highway. Learn more at the project website.

Project work includes:

  • Resurfacing the roadway with a new layer of asphalt
  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) reconstruction, including pedestrian ramps, to improve accessibility
  • Installation of new designated crossing areas to increase pedestrian and bicyclist mobility
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Tell us about your experiences at Hwy 14 and Broadway Ave.

over 1 year

This comment map closed Aug. 27, 2023. Thank you to everyone who participated.

If you missed the deadline and would still like to submit a comment, please reach out to Cindy Morgan at Cindy.Morgan@state.mn.us or 507-951-6593.

What we heard from the community:                         

  • Safety for cyclists and pedestrians is a top concern for the community across modes of transportation. Safety concerns often cited poor visibility due to landscaping and hills, as well as high vehicle speeds and lack of protection. People suggested pedestrian crossing improvements, such as removing islands, removing turn lanes, and adding raised or underground crossings such as bridges or tunnels.
  • While there is a common feeling of a need to slow traffic, there are differing opinions on how. Many comments mentioned the possibility of a traffic circle. More than two-thirds of those comments were in favor of a traffic circle, mentioning that it would help reduce speeds when turning while maintaining flow. Those against adding a traffic circle generally cited concerns with vehicle safety when entering.
  • Many people shared concerns with vehicle back-ups and merging when turning at the intersection. Suggestions from the community included adding blinking yield turn lights, adding dedicated turn and merge lanes, and lengthening turn lanes.

MnDOT will use these comments to create an initial design concept for the intersection which will be shared with the community this fall. 

In 2027, the Hwy 14 and Broadway intersection in Rochester will receive safety improvements. Every day, almost 50,000 vehicles use the intersection. MnDOT and the City of Rochester are looking into changes to reduce crashes and improve crossings for pedestrians and bicyclists.

This is the perfect time to also take a look at what is working well and what could improve.

The project will span west and east on Hwy 14 from 4th Ave. SW to 3rd Ave. SE and north and south from 9th St. SE to the access points north of 14 St. SW. 

To place a comment, click on the + icon to the left. Then place a comment marker at the location. 

Examples of feedback include:

  • Areas of safety concerns
    • Please consider pedestrian and bicyclist concerns along with vehicle perspectives
  • Locations that are working well
  • An idea that may positively impact the community

You're also welcome to provide feedback by phone or email to Cindy Morgan. 507-951-6593 or Cindy.Morgan@state.mn.us 

This survey will close August 27, 2023.

This comment map closed Aug. 27, 2023. Thank you to everyone who participated.
Page last updated: 05 Dec 2024, 08:07 AM