Round 2 of NEVI Grants - RFP Opening
MnDOT will be releasing the Round 2 Request for Proposal (RFP) for the NEVI Formula Funds on October 14, 2024. The RFP will be for NEVI Formula funded DC Fast Charging stations at 6 locations on I-94 and I-35 to fill gaps from Round 1 and 8 new locations on I-90. The RFP will be posted on the NEVI program webpage. An online mapping tool will be available on that webpage showing the clusters and exits where applicants may propose projects. The application window will close at Noon on January 13, 2025.
An informational webinar about the RFP will be provided on October 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM. Register here for this webinar.
After the RFP opens, written questions can be submitted to MnDOT by emailing and answers to the questions will be posted on a rolling basis through December 20,2024. MnDOT staff contacted outside of this process will not be able to answer questions about the RFP. Any other updates about the program will be posted on the NEVI program webpage.

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