Central Minnesota long-range transportation plans - Region 5 and 7E
Welcome to the central Minnesota long-range transportation plan online open house!
This online open house invites you to help shape the future transportation system for Regions 5 and 7E. Your input will directly influence our long-range transportation plans and help create a vision for how people will move around our community in the years to come.
Online Open House Navigation
In the tabs below you will find sections for our online open house:
1. Plan Overview: Learn about the long-range transportation plans and understand why your input matters.
2. Survey: Complete a survey to help us understand your transportation needs and priorities.
3. Comment Map: Use the comment map to identify locations with transportation concerns, issues, or ideas for improvement.
4. Visioning: Explore draft transportation goals and tell us your vision for the future.
5. Comment Cards: Tell us any final thoughts and review additional project documents to learn more about the Transportation Plans for Region 5 and 7E.
Don’t forget to sign up for email updates in the top right corner. Feel free to reach out to any of the project contacts on the right if you have any questions or concerns!
What else should we know about transportation in this region?
State highway 25 from Pierz north to Crow Wing County Road 2 needs a lot of work. It needs a new base and widening. It is a waste of money to just mill and overlay when the base is so bad it is all busted up in a couple years.
We would like the speed limit lowered/adjusted on Whiskey Road in Isanti. We also have one section that is a huge problem. This last summer there were 3 separate car accidents in this intersection in one day and one requiring emergency airlift. The speed changes heading South from 30 to 45 just south of Dogwood Street even though the neighborhoods extend passed South Passage SW. The intersection of South Passage SW and Whiskey Road has posed the biggest problems with multiple accidents throughout the year. The community has been trying to lower the speed limit for years but it’s a county road and the county won’t lower it despite the community asking for it. Please, please review this area. The speed should be 30 until you get south of South Passage SW due to too many young children using the sidewalks and roads, and that intersection needs to be addressed for motorists. Thank you!
Rail system should run by major highways so close to cities and connect to other cities. Current plans U have aren’t near anything at sll and useless to people. Would have to drive pov to get there. Reuse old railway systems be cheaper and already connected through midwest. Why reinvent the wheel. Wheres the common sense on this planning? Pine county
Crow Wing County, Hwy 6 at Hwy18 a traffic circle would help the backup. Also Hwy 6 at 210 in Deerwood trying to make a left onto 210 is difficult.
In Isanti county, more ways to cross the Rum River near Cambridge and elimination of the railroad crossings at 95 in downtown Cambridge.
Mille Lacs for both. Both I have travelled extensively through Isanti and Chisago. I feel that the major transportation routes should be optimized for rush hour congestion that occurs.
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