Hwy 371 and Hwy 34 - Walker Study Complete
The final report is now available on the project website: www.talk.dot.state.mn.us/hwy-371-walker. The Community Review Panel (CRP) held the fourth and final meeting earlier this summer. The panel voted on preferred alternatives presented by the MnDOT project team. The study began in October 2023.
The study included an open house, online surveys, pop-up events, meetings with business owners and four CRP meetings. The CRP includes representatives from the City of Walker, Cass County, and various local community and business interests. The group met throughout the study to review possible design options for each segment of the Highway 371 corridor, including downtown, Michigan Avenue to the causeway, causeway to Highway 200, and Highway 34 south of Highway 371. The final meeting was well attended and concluded with a poll of which options were preferred by individual members.
The preferred alternatives include roundabouts at Highway 34, Tower Avenue and Highway 200. The study supported traffic signals at Fifth and Sixth Streets.
MnDOT project staff presented the preferred alternatives to the Walker City Council in August at a work session. Council later voted to approve the preferred alternatives, which allows MnDOT staff to begin the design of the project. The study includes a final report which includes the publicly supported design alternative. This report will provide the framework for project staff to seek funding and municipal support for the improvement project.
The final report, including the preferred alternatives can be found under project documents on this page. If you would like the final report in ADA accessible format, please email leslie.seitz@state.mn.us.
MnDOT and the City of Walker invite and encourage participation by all. If you need an ASL, foreign language interpreter, or other reasonable accommodation, or need documents in an alternative format (such as braille or large print), email your request to ADArequest@state.mn.us or call 651-366-4720.
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