Hwy 371 and Hwy 210 — Baxter Intersection Improvement Project

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MnDOT, in partnership with the city of Baxter and Crow Wing County, will design and construct a new intersection at Hwy 210 and Hwy 371, which includes the BNSF railroad. Planning and design is expected to continue through 2027, with construction anticipated to begin in 2028.

The project will identify, prioritize, and select a preliminary design through a comprehensive analysis of existing and future demographics, land use, development, and transportation operations and safety data. When complete, the $58 million Corridors of Commerce-funded project will improve access, safety and traffic flow through the Brainerd Lakes area.

Your input helps us

  • Define the issues of the current area
  • Establish project goals
  • Develop alternative design concepts
  • Determine a preliminary design for the Hwy 371 and Hwy 210 intersection

Get involved

  • Ask our team a question and we'll respond.
  • Sign up for email updates to stay up to date with the project.

Stay tuned

  • In fall 2024, we'll introduce the project and seek public feedback on the initial concepts of the intersection.

Upcoming: September 10 Meetings

Business meeting

Tue, Sept. 10
1 – 2:30 p.m.

Public meeting

Tue, Sept. 10
4 - 6 p.m.

MnDOT Baxter Headquarters Office

7694 Industrial Park Rd, Baxter

Learn more about the potential design options for the Hwy 371 and Hwy 210 intersection, provide feedback and talk with project staff.

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MnDOT, in partnership with the city of Baxter and Crow Wing County, will design and construct a new intersection at Hwy 210 and Hwy 371, which includes the BNSF railroad. Planning and design is expected to continue through 2027, with construction anticipated to begin in 2028.

The project will identify, prioritize, and select a preliminary design through a comprehensive analysis of existing and future demographics, land use, development, and transportation operations and safety data. When complete, the $58 million Corridors of Commerce-funded project will improve access, safety and traffic flow through the Brainerd Lakes area.

Your input helps us

  • Define the issues of the current area
  • Establish project goals
  • Develop alternative design concepts
  • Determine a preliminary design for the Hwy 371 and Hwy 210 intersection

Get involved

  • Ask our team a question and we'll respond.
  • Sign up for email updates to stay up to date with the project.

Stay tuned

  • In fall 2024, we'll introduce the project and seek public feedback on the initial concepts of the intersection.

Upcoming: September 10 Meetings

Business meeting

Tue, Sept. 10
1 – 2:30 p.m.

Public meeting

Tue, Sept. 10
4 - 6 p.m.

MnDOT Baxter Headquarters Office

7694 Industrial Park Rd, Baxter

Learn more about the potential design options for the Hwy 371 and Hwy 210 intersection, provide feedback and talk with project staff.

We want to hear from you!

Let us know your thoughts and feedback about this project. 

If you have any questions or comments, please submit them below and we will do our best to get back to you within 5 business days. 

MnDOT may share your input on this site. If you would prefer for your post to remain private, please indicate that along with your message below. 

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Page last updated: 10 Sep 2024, 12:29 PM