Summary of community experiences at the intersection

Earlier this year, we heard comments from community members who placed a pin on our project comment map. We have also had one-on-one conversations with local businesses and other stakeholders.
What we heard from the community:
- Safety for cyclists and pedestrians is a top concern for the community across modes of transportation. Safety concerns often cited poor visibility due to landscaping and hills, as well as high vehicle speeds and lack of protection. People suggested pedestrian crossing improvements, such as removing islands, removing turn lanes, and adding raised or underground crossings such as bridges or tunnels.
- While there is a common feeling of a need to slow traffic, there are differing opinions on how. Many comments mentioned the possibility of a traffic circle. More than two-thirds of those comments were in favor of a traffic circle, mentioning that it would help reduce speeds when turning while maintaining flow. Those against adding a traffic circle generally cited concerns with vehicle safety when entering.
- Many people shared concerns with vehicle back-ups and merging when turning at the intersection. Suggestions from the community included adding blinking yield turn lights, adding dedicated turn and merge lanes, and lengthening turn lanes.
MnDOT will use these comments to create an initial design concept for the intersection which will be shared with the community this fall.
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